Pierre Lemire, Kent Imaging’s CEO, has been featured in Innovations of the World – celebrating and connecting the world’s top innovators, as part of the Calgary, Alberta leaders’ profile. Historically, not being known as a medical tech hub, Pierre works with his team and peers to heighten Calgary’s profile as a thriving healthcare technology innovation center. Mr. Lemire is a technology commercialization expert with over 30 years of experience in the high-tech world of imaging. His past roles as a CTO at Autodesk Inc, and co-founder of Calgary Scientific provide key experiences that he uses to guide Kent Imaging’s corporate strategy.
Near the start of the millennium, the National Research Council of Canada had completed a lab model to show proof of concept of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to look at human tissue for the concentration of oxygen. Kent’s Founder and Executive Chairman, Don Chapman, was intrigued by its potential in the medical setting and Kent Imaging was formed. • In 2022, Snapshot V4.0 (KD204T) was released with advanced wound measurement functions as well as a customizable reporting feature. • In 2022, Kent Imaging appointed two specialized CMO’s for Wound Care & Limb Preservation and Reconstructive Surgery. • In 2023, the company expanded its sales to new international markets including Australia, Israel, and Egypt. • Kent Imaging’s CEO, Pierre Lemire, won the Medical Technology Executive of the Year 2023, Canada, from Executive Global magazine. • In the Summer of 2023, Kent Imaging moved its Calgary-based headquarters to a larger office and production space.
SnapshotNIR is a near-infrared (NIR), reflectance-based technology that measures tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) in superficial tissue. Using multiple wavelengths of NIR light, SnapshotNIR measures relative amounts of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in the microcirculation where oxygen exchange is happening. Snapshot provides users with a near-instantaneous tissue oxygenation map that can be used in medical decision-making, for tracking and trending oxygenation, and evaluating tissue viability in wound care and surgical applications where flap tissue can be compromised.
Chronic wounds are a serious global health problem with significant reductions in quality of life that can have devastating consequences. 15-25% of patients with diabetes mellitus will develop a diabetic foot ulcer during their lifetime. In reconstructive surgery, 1 in 3 mastectomies result in post-operative complications over
The next two years and up to 20% of those reconstructions will require more surgery.
Current diagnostic tools to assess tissue health are either costly or difficult to employ and visual assessment alone is not adequate to see the whole picture. SnapshotNIR is a portable and repeatable tool to monitor a patient and obtain accurate and actionable data at every visitwhich is improving outcomes and reducing complications for patients. From an economic standpoint, the device can significantly reduce healthcare costs. The documented reports can be used to support medical necessity and proof of therapeutic efficacy for hospital systems. The device can assist in identifying what advanced wound therapies will work best, saving time and wasting fewer consumables. The device is also easy to operatedoctors and nurses can quickly be trained on its use.
6. What advice do you have for them “The technology we are building is unique and extremely valuable. It’s changing how clinicians treat acute and chronic wounds with critical insights they have never had before.” – Pierre Lemire
The technology we are building is unique and extremely valuable. It’s changing how clinicians treat acute and chronic wounds with critical insights they have never had before.”
While different leadership styles exist.transformative leadership has emerged as a highlyeffective approach in bringing about meaningful changeand inspiring followers to reach their full potential.Transformative leaders possess a unique set of traitsthat distinguish them from other leadership styles.In this article, we will delve into the key traits of techleaders and explore how they contribute to their abilityto create lasting, impact.Visionary ThinkingTransformative leaders possess a clear and compellingvision for the future. They are able to articulate apurpose that resonates with others and inspires themto join in the pursuit of a shared goal. These leaders cansee beyond the present challenges and envision abetter future, and they effectively communicate thisvision to their followers, fueling their motivation andcommitment.
Authenticityconfidence in their followers and cnabling them tonaveal e compler situations with conhoence.Authentaty is a fundamental trait or transtormativeleaders. They are genuine, transparent, and true totheir values and oclicis. by leadine with authenuicitythey build trust and credibility with their followers,fosterine an cimronment of opcrriess anocollaboration. Authentic leaders also encourage othersto embrace their own authentiaty, creatie a cultureltat values aversity and mamous st cheus..moathy and t motional intelligencelTranstormative leaders possess a unique combinationof visionary thinking, authenticity, empathy, intellectustimulation, inspirational motivation, adaptability, andresilience. Their ability to inspire and empower othersto reach their full potential distinguishes them aselled ve leaders who drive meaninelul change. Dyiunderstame and cultaune unese tats sonineIcaocis can acvelop ticir own tars ormauve.leadership style and contribute to creating a betterTuture for their orm nations and society as a whole.&Transformative leaders possess a high deerce ofempathy and emotional intelligence. They understandthe emotions and perspectives of their followers andacmorst ate chune concern for tier welf ocine. byempathan? wit otic s, ticy buid ston?.relatio in to and create a sorbe of oclongin theseleaders are sailed at acuve lstenne and are responselto the needs and concerns of their team members.intellectual StimulationTransformative leaders
LEADERSCADERSHIP plays a pivotal role in driving
challenge the status quo andpromose a cunture of interectus sumulated incy.encourage their followers to think critically, questionassumptions, and explore innovative ideas. By fosteringan civironment that vales caring and growttranstormative leaders empower their teams tounleash their creative potential and hind new solutionsto compica probicils.Inspirational MotivationTransformative leaders inspire and motivate theirfollowers to achieve greatness. They set highexpectations and provide support and encouragement.alone the way. Through their own passion ardedication in their teams. These Ieaders lead byexamole, comastently demonstratme a strong work.cunc and a commitment to excelence.Adaptabilty and Resiliencetrarstor mative icadcrs are adaptabie and resilicht inthe lace of challenees and uncertanty. They embrace.change as an opportunity for growth and guide theirteams through periods of transition. These leadersemain calm and composed under pressure, inspirine.